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Friday, July 13, 2007

Newborn boot camp should be winding up soon. We have almost reached the 6 week milestone which typically brings some more stabilty and confidence to the home. Last night, Jasper slept 6 hours through the night! There is light on the horizon. :) Sleep does wonderful things for new mothers and for any mother of little ones. Hopefully this is a new trend in our home.

We have been busy tying up loose ends as our 4 year term in Thailand comes to a close and we head back to the States. We have been preparing to move out of our home and have been busy with all the logistics of making an international move with 3 kids and a dog! It has been quite hectic doing this with a newborn. Ideally, I would have time to just be a new mother, but we will be leaving Thailand on July 29th...just 16 more days. This is also Gracyn's 6th birthday! She wanted to fly on her birthday. She will get to have her birthday for 48 hrs as we live the same day twice! We can have her actual celebration once we get to the States. We are excited about getting to see our family members. Some we haven't seen in almost 2 years and some we haven't seen in 4 years! It will be good for the kids to spend time with family as they really haven't been able to do much of that.

It has been a good 4 years and we are thankful for all the experiences...even the hard ones that caused us to cling to God even more. We saw a faithful God here and we are blessed. We are ready for a little pampering by family and time to rest and reflect on these past 4 years. Hopefully we can take a couple weeks rest before life carries us away on our next set of responsibilities. Please remember us as we fly on July 29th at 1:30 in the morning for 20 hrs with our children. Pray that the kids will adapt well to the States and that jet lag won't kill us!


Irene said...
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Irene said...

Hey Cunninghams! I didn't realize you guys are coming back. I will pray for your flight back. Maybe I will get to see you sometime this coming year...! :)