I admit it. I've been on a little blog-a-thon here, but I'm having lots of fun. I realized that many people who are coming to this site for the first time may be wondering how Gracyn is doing and so I thought I'd give an update. For those new here, Gracyn, my 4 year old, fell down the steps of our home on February 25, 2006. She sustained a head injury and spent 2 days in ICU and 3 additional days in hospital. She had a fractured arm and a fractured skull. It was a horrible experience to watch her go through such an injury at a young age. But, children are resilient. God watched over our little one and has healed her quickly. She has an appointment for a CT Scan on May 10th to check the progress of healing with her skull. Hopefully, this appointment will be our "all clear" signal. Gracyn looks great and there aren't any visible signs of injury. Praise the Lord!
Thanks so much for putting up a blog, we are so thankful for Gracyn's recovery. Olivia, our 4 year old, still prays for her at meal time. Nancy and I had all our CMPC children church kids put their hand in paint and make a big poster for Gracyn but the package was returned to us a few days ago for some customs forms not filled out properly. We're sorry it never made it. I think we'll take a picture of it with the kids and email it, better chance of delivery that way. Take care and know that we are thinking and praying for you.
The Cunningham's at Chestnut Mountain Presybyterian Church.
Thank you so much. We look forward to seeing y'all again in about 1 year!
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