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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Graduation Day

On June 7, 2007, Gracyn graduated from Kindergarten at International Community school here in Bangkok, Thailand.
Gracyn was voted "friendliest" in her class for superlatives. Mrs. Ann says she was popular and well-liked by all!
Gracyn and Mrs. Ann after graduation.
Gracyn and Miss Yo, the teacher's assistant

Gracyn had a great year inspite of her mommy being on bed rest for most of it. She is reading, writing and doing basic math skills. She has grown in maturity and responsibility. She's even lost 3 teeth this year! We are proud of her growth and accomplishments. Congratulations Gracyn...rising 1st grader!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My goodness, Gracyn looks so grown up and proud, as she should be. I think that being voted the friendliest is a true statement of Gracyn, what a doll! Love to you all,
