Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 25, 2007

Jasper is 3 weeks old today! I hope to have some pictures of him at this week posted soon. First, I need to take them! Tomorrow, we will begin the process of applying for Jasper's passport and getting all his paperwork processed to confirm his American citizenship. Jasper is an American from the moment of his birth because we are, but we have to go through a whole rigamarole with the Embassy to secure a passport and get a certificate of citizenship. Thankfully, we've done this 2 times already and kind of know the drill. We have to take Jasper to the Embassy to prove he is a real person and Jack and I must also be present to prove we are his real parents. It is kind of a hassle, but at least we are Americans and can go straight to American services and not wait in the lines with all the other people. It's red, white and blue for you Jasper!

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