Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 02, 2007

A no go

So the full moon theory is basically junk. The moon did not cause me to have anything different than I am already having. Last night my contractions did reappear at 1:26 A.M. and were coming every 10-15 minutes but were not strong. I laid awake for hours wondering if I would need to make wake up calls to half of Bangkok. We were having a large storm last night which is characteristic of this time of year. We had torrential rains, big lightening and peals of thunder. One big boom brought Gracyn to our room crying. Jack was trying to sleep and I was contracting but keeping it to myself. I didn't want to cause any alarm and wanted to allow even just a few more moments of sleep for those who could sleep. Finally at 3 A.M. I fell asleep and woke up in the morning without a baby by my side. I am starting to lose confidence in knowing what labor is. I do know it hurts a WHOLE lot worse than what I'm experiencing. I hope at least I'm making some progress so that my labor will not be a marathon. Hopefully this won't go on and on. I only have 4 days left to reach my due date. However, people are known to out last that date too! Sigh.

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