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Friday, June 01, 2007

June Bug

It looks like we will have a June Bug after all. May ended yesterday with the baby still content to stay put. Actually, I had contractions all day yesterday and was convinced we would end up in labor and delivery by the end of the day. Instead 9:30 P.M. found me sleeping peacefully. My contractions were coming every 15-30 minutes all day long, but did not increase in intensity or time span. We stayed put at home and finished up a few last minute preparations. I thought I would perhaps have to wake Jack in the wee hours of the morning but the morning came without a baby. Today has been pretty calm with very few contractions. I could probably count them on one hand. Today doesn't seem like the day, but the irony of this story would be that it is! Isn't this supposed to be more predictable the 3rd time around? Each day feels like walking through a field of landmines. I keep waiting for the trigger to be tripped and am genuinely surprised to last another day. I think there is supposed to be a full moon tonight...don't those trigger labor?

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