The Snake Saga continues at our house. As I was washing dishes today I saw a snake slithering through our backyard where Gracyn planted a little pumpkin patch. I quickly scooped up Aidan, put Gigi in the house and went to find our security gaurd/snake handler. Of course he was out on rounds. So I waited and waited, hoping he would soon come back. I kept checking on the progress of the snake to make sure this one didn't get away like last time. He was still there moving around in the garden. Finally, a security gaurd came by our street on his motorbike and I was able to flag him down. Then, our regular security gaurd came back to his post. They armed themselves with my rake and went to find him. He wasn't there! I was starting to wonder if I might develop a reputation for crying snake. The security guards did a quick search aided by Gracyn telling us from a watching window where the snake went. He was up in a tree. Our back yard neighbors came out to see what all the fuss was about and saw the snake. One guard went to their house to help knock the snake out of the tree into our yard so that the other guard could club it with my rake. They were successful and said snake is no longer with us. I then asked my guard to pose for a photo shoot! He didn't know what kind of snake it was but said it was not a run of the mill garden variety!
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