Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Full Term

Today I am at full term! I have made it to 37 weeks of pregnancy. I'm really excited to be at the point where the baby is fully developed. 26 weeks ago, this felt like an impossibility but God has brought us here. I had a prenatal check-up yesterday and all seems well. The baby passed another fetal monitoring test and was really active. I only had one insignificant contraction, but these things can get started at the drop of a hat, so one can't really tell when the ball will get rolling here. Now we just wait and view every day as possibly being "the day".


Brea said...

That's wonderful news. What an answer to prayer!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! We'll keep praying for you and your family as a class (Pre-K/Kindergarten, Christ our Hope, Wake Forest, NC) and I'll send an updated praise report to our church prayer chain.

With lots of love,