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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How my life might be different from yours

After living in Thailand for almost 8 years, I realized that there are so many things that I once found strange or annoying that have become my new normal. Sometimes these things still do challenge me, but as I reflect on this crazy life I lead I've realized how I've come to accept so many of them as normal.

  1. Smells...upon first visit to Thailand, you will experience some smells that make you want to gag the moment you step out of doors. I hardly smell them anymore and if I do, my gag reflex has disappeared. What are these smells you might ask? Sewage, trash cans, the food courts inside malls, street vendors, fresh markets, and stagnant waters. I'm sure there are more.
  2. Grocery stores and malls...these are the loudest places on the face of the Earth. Each shop feels it is their personal responsibility to cause premature deafness in their customers. They play the loudest music non-stop. It sounds like being in a disco. The shops have competing music playing so that not only is it loud but there are several songs blaring at you at once. We think these are tactics to draw attention to their stores to get you to shop there. It feels more like a deterant to me. They also have "pretties" trying to promote various products in the store aisles. Pretties are attractive young girls hired to make products seem more attractive. Sometimes these girls are quietly blocking the brands they don't want you to buy, while making sure their brand is very visible. Sometimes they squat in the aisles putting on makeup, brushing their hair or talking on cell-phones. Sometimes they are also loud by screaming the praises of their products at you while you walk by. You might even by accosted by a mini-commercial as you step in front of sensors of certain products. This is normal.
  3. Crazy drivers and motorcycles... these are plentiful. While driving you must always watch out for motorcycles. They are always zooming in and out of traffic. They will sneak up from behind you and cut you off in front of your car. They expect you to notice them and watch out for them. You also have other drivers that do some very interesting things. One of those things is to push you out of your lane when they change lanes. If a car decides to get over, he or she will just do so...even if there is no available space. They will just push you out of the lane and expect you to get over. Traffic rules are really just suggestions. If you are driving down a one way street, expect to see oncoming traffic! A one lane road becomes two. However a four lane road becomes two as well due to cars parking in the outer most lanes. A road can be designated for two way traffic and suddenly turn into a one way road. Yes, these are things you can get used to!
  4. Stray dogs running in gangs...there are always stray dogs everywhere you go. They live in the streets and have become super saavy about street life. They are often mangy and dirty looking. You could start a picture collection of "soi" dogs and fill albums in no time. Homeowners and store owners have even figured out a way to keep their sidewalks clean from dogs. You fill water bottles with water and place them in the areas you want free of dogs. I have no idea why this works, but it does. These gangs get pretty musical in the night with the sounds of fighting.
  5. I go barefoot indoors at all times. This can be tough to remember at first. But after awhile, it becomes second nature to remove your shoes before entering a home. If you've ever walked a street in Thailand, this will make perfect sense and you will be all about this practice! We've become "very Thai" in this way. We'd probably even do it in the least for a while.
  6. You eat with a fork and spoon. This is the proper way to eat food here. You use your fork to push the food onto your spoon and eat off the spoon. Whenever someone fresh from the States arrives here and I see them stabing their food with a fork, it looks so weird now. This doesn't apply to steaks and big pieces of meat cooked in a Western way.
  7. I can not drink from my faucets. I must always drink bottled water.
  8. McDonald's can be delivered to you via motorcycle! Pizza is done the same way.
  9. I have had snakes and big lizards in my yard.
  10. Hair cuts are a risk. When you go to a salon or barber shop and tell them what style or how much you want cut off, they nod and then do what they want to do anyway. One inch means two or three. You have to always underestimate... and hope to get close enough.
  11. When you get sick and need to see a doctor, you will leave with 5 or more meds to take. You always get an antibiotic. You have to refuse them at times. Thais just do not feel served if they aren't given medicines. If you find a conservative doctor who follows western practices and you aren't given an antibiotic, your Thai friends will insist you find a better doctor.

So this is my new normal. These are things I have had to adjust to and there are so many more. These are the things that once frustrated me, but now make me laugh or feel that Thailand has its own unique charm. Oh to see Thailand through first time eyes again! It can be overwhelming, but it is also strangely fun to experience it all.

1 comment:

trmills said...

Kim, this is a very fun list. Thanks for the reminder of all the things that do become "charming" after a while...also, we need to play Monopoly soon! Maybe when I come out of my baby seclusion...I think it will be soon!