Here are a few of my favorite things about Thailand. These aren't profound things, but just the little things that make life here enjoyable.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
What we are reading...
Gracyn is currently being read Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Aidan is being read The Little Fire Engine and The Little Train both by Lois Lenski (1940) over and over and over again! It reminds me of Gracyn's Goodnight Moon phase. Aidan likes the one about the firemen most of all because of the better sound effects.
What's coming up? Teddy Robinson Stories by Joan G. Robinson. These stories were written by a mother, for her daughter Deborah, about her teddy bear named Teddy Robinson. These stories came from the 1950's and 1960's and are about the adventures of a little girl's teddy bear. The adventures are ones that "could happen to anybody's teddy bear" through child's play. Teddy Robinson still resides with his "little girl" in London.
Gracyn is currently being read Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
Aidan is being read The Little Fire Engine and The Little Train both by Lois Lenski (1940) over and over and over again! It reminds me of Gracyn's Goodnight Moon phase. Aidan likes the one about the firemen most of all because of the better sound effects.
What's coming up? Teddy Robinson Stories by Joan G. Robinson. These stories were written by a mother, for her daughter Deborah, about her teddy bear named Teddy Robinson. These stories came from the 1950's and 1960's and are about the adventures of a little girl's teddy bear. The adventures are ones that "could happen to anybody's teddy bear" through child's play. Teddy Robinson still resides with his "little girl" in London.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Goodbye Halley

Tonight, our 11 month intern Halley leaves us. Halley has spent her internships doing some really neat things. Halley has a great heart for the poor...not just the poor...but the poorest of the poor. She is a gifted young lady! Halley has spent a great deal of time researching mercy ministry opportunities for our team. She has worked with some "bar girls" in seeking to help them escape their tough circumstances. Halley has taught flower making skills to slum residents,loved on orphans, taught English classes to kids and adults, and helped with Tsunami relief. Halley we wish you the best as you return to the States!
Interesting flower
Rhianna's shower

The ladies of our team hosted a baby shower for Rhianna Mills yesterday. We had a brunch full of yummy foods. I made a breakfast casserole, served fruit and punch. Crystal made yummy chicken salad served on soft rolls. Jan made the cake which was shaped like a bear. Jan used her yummy wacky chocolate cake recipe that uses vinegar and no eggs! Strange but oh so good! After we feasted, we opened gifts. Rhianna was bestowed with newborn diapers, Johnson's baby wash, mild baby detergent and a homemade crocheted teddy bear that is in progress. We ended with a time of prayer for Rhianna, the birth, baby and family adjustments. Tomorrow is D-day! Baby Mills can arrive at any time! Rest well Rhi!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
I'm experimenting with a new template. I thought it had a Thai-esque quality to it and would give ambiance to these postings! I can't seem to settle on one just yet.
Fun surprise

After dinner tonight, my phone rang and my friend Bun was on the line. She asked if she could come over to "show off" something. She asked if she could bring some friends of hers as well, one of whom is a Thai musical instrument teacher. Of course I said "yes". They showed up and brought with them a keem. I'm not sure if I'm spelling it phonetically correct, but a keem is an instrument that lays on the ground and is strung like a guitar. To play it you must use two thin reeds with rectangular heads to strike the chords. The music that it makes is a very traditional tinkling "Thai" sound. The music teacher, Khun Ray, gave us a little concert. Then she graciously let us all take turns playing the instrument. The kids had a blast banging on it and Khun Ray was very gracious to let that happen. I actually got a small lesson. Bun is going to hire Khun Ray to teach lessons to herself and her daughter Nina. Bun wants me to take lessons as well. I thought that sounded fun and agreed to do that with her. We plan to try to meet at Bun's house on Sunday evenings to take these Thai music lessons together. It's a great way to consistently spend time with my friend Bun and to learn an ethnic Thai instrument. I look forward to doing that with her. This was such a fun way to end our evening.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
School update
Gracyn weathered her first day of school with relative ease. She was beaming when I picked her up from her very first day of Kindergarten. We chit chatted about all the things that happened that day. It was hard for her to summarize her day and she forgot lots of details. However, her expressions let us know that she was happy and couldn't wait to return the next day. We inquired about her "bumblebee's" living arrangements for that day and found out that her bee had taken a couple flights away from home. The reason? Brace yourselves...this is a shocker...talking without raising her hand. I know...this news is hard to believe...isn't it? The first move was a warning and the 2nd resulted in a time out. We knew this would be an issue and have anticipated this for many years. She needs to learn self-control in this area. Her heart is a heart of gold and she isn't a malicious child...just a noisy and talkative one. We are praying about it and attempting to teach her the value of choosing words wisely. Please pray with us. She's an extrovert. This is how extroverts are. I would have rather died than speak openly in class...I didn't do it voluntarily. Gracyn and I are different and I'm learning how to parent an extrovert. I grew out of my shyness as an adult and I know that she too will grow in learning to speak when appropriate. We are debriefing each afternoon and helping her to understand what is expected of her in school. She knows what to do...she just has trouble in the practice of it. Still...she loved school and wants to be there...and that to me is a successful start.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Aidan at ICS
The First Day of School

Amazing....I can hear myself think! The house is strangely quiet. There is peace and tranquility. I knew my child was loud, but I didn't realize how much she talks until just now. Usually, there is a constant buzz in my ear, but there is silence. Aidan is playing quietly and has no need to scream or yell himself because he doesn't have to jockey for play things. Wow!
Gracyn got up this morning at 5:30 and bounded into our room stating that she wasn't "tired a bit". She was ready to get a start on her big day. Thankfully we were already up and getting ready ourselves. Gracyn dressed in her uniform and we fixed her hair. She was all aglow at her new school self. She sat down to breakfast and ate, while I packed her lunch. After we were all ready, albeit blearry eyed, we took a few pictures and loaded up into our car.
We finally arrived to see the hustle and bustle of the first day of school. We walked to the elementary cafeteria and found Mrs. Ann's table. Mrs. Ann was ready to receive Gracyn and handed her a name tag. We took a few more pictures, yet we could see that Gracyn was really more interested in looking around at all the goings on. Posing for Mom and Dad was not as interesting. We got a few shots though. Jack was ready with the camcorder to capture her firsts.
Gracyn had a few moments of looking unsure of herself and a bit nervous, but she really handled it all like a champ and was eager and excited. Another kid in the other K-5 class was crying and practically puking...poor thing. At 7:15, Mrs. Ann had her table of children stand up to face the Thai flag. A bell rang and the national anthem came across the P.A. system. The children all stood at attention very quietly...except for one boy in Gracyn's class whom belted the tune out very convincingly. After the anthem, Mrs. Elsie, the elementary priciple, prayed for the first day. The kids then followed their teachers up to the classrooms like little ducklings, entered the classrooms, with a last wave to Mom and Dad, and began the day.
Here's what's on her docket for today:
- Morning circle and Bible
- Art class
- Language Arts
- Snack and recess
- Thai class
- Lunch
- Nap
- Activity centers
- Social studies
Monday, August 14, 2006
Eve of the Eve
One more day to go....
It's the eve of the eve of the first day of school. The is an air of expectancy around the house. Gracyn is on pins and needles in anticipation. We spent a few moments today briefing her class schedule and talking about what each time of the day brought for her. We also spent time discussing the class rules and discipline procedures. I wanted to make sure she had a basic understanding of the rules so that hopefully she doesn't have to have her "bee moved from the beehive" on her first day. We talked about all the consequences for each "move of the bee". She seems to understand, but the practice remains to be seen! I have spent the last few days labeling all her supplies and making sure we have everything we need. Tomorrow evening we plan to paint her fingernails and toenails so that she is pretty for her first day. This is something that I always did as a child as it always made me feel prepared somehow and that I was putting my best self forward. I guess something in me feels that the first day should be full of fresh faces, neatly presssed clothes, notebooks, pencils, unbroken crayons and unscuffed shoes. It helps to start a brand new year off on a hopeful tone. The is something extraordinary about the first is almost magical.
We've instituted an alarm clock in Gracyn's room recently. We've been setting the alarm for earlier times progressively. She was initiated pretty abruptly the first day as the alarm went and she sat up wondering what all that clammering was about. She grabbed the alarm and looked at it intently. She saw the button stating on/off and knowing how to read off, switched the button over. Now, she is waking on her own with the alarm and playing quietly until we wake. That is all over folks as we will all be rising at 5:30 in the morning since school starts at 7 A.M. ICS has earlier school hours to combat traffic. I am not looking forward to losing the extra hour and a half of sleep. I suppose one can get used to anything with time.
Wednesday begins a new phase of life for me as I consider what I will do with the "free" hours in the day when Aidan naps. I haven't had any free hours in the day since Gracyn was 2 1/2. I know I'll use some of the time to read and take time to develop some personal areas of my life left unattended for years. I've also big plans for cleaning out things in the kid's rooms that I'm unable to take care of now due to protests of the preciousness of the scraps of paper collecting in various places. Maybe we can get more organized! I'm also looking forward to some one on one time with Aidan as he's never had me to himself. Just please Lord...don't let Aidan stop napping! I'm so looking forward to some quieter days and the end of the unending need to entertain a bored child. I know that sounds terrible, but please understand that life here can be void of enough stimulating activities and relationships for children. We are often couped up in the house day in and day out with few outlets for the kids. We have unrelenting heat and sun year round and cobras in the yard! Childhood can be tough here at times with few freedoms. So, it may sound like I just can't wait to get Gracyn out of my hair, but in reality, I'm relieved for her...she gets to be a kid...with a community of other kids! It is a blessing and we are thankful.
We've instituted an alarm clock in Gracyn's room recently. We've been setting the alarm for earlier times progressively. She was initiated pretty abruptly the first day as the alarm went and she sat up wondering what all that clammering was about. She grabbed the alarm and looked at it intently. She saw the button stating on/off and knowing how to read off, switched the button over. Now, she is waking on her own with the alarm and playing quietly until we wake. That is all over folks as we will all be rising at 5:30 in the morning since school starts at 7 A.M. ICS has earlier school hours to combat traffic. I am not looking forward to losing the extra hour and a half of sleep. I suppose one can get used to anything with time.
Wednesday begins a new phase of life for me as I consider what I will do with the "free" hours in the day when Aidan naps. I haven't had any free hours in the day since Gracyn was 2 1/2. I know I'll use some of the time to read and take time to develop some personal areas of my life left unattended for years. I've also big plans for cleaning out things in the kid's rooms that I'm unable to take care of now due to protests of the preciousness of the scraps of paper collecting in various places. Maybe we can get more organized! I'm also looking forward to some one on one time with Aidan as he's never had me to himself. Just please Lord...don't let Aidan stop napping! I'm so looking forward to some quieter days and the end of the unending need to entertain a bored child. I know that sounds terrible, but please understand that life here can be void of enough stimulating activities and relationships for children. We are often couped up in the house day in and day out with few outlets for the kids. We have unrelenting heat and sun year round and cobras in the yard! Childhood can be tough here at times with few freedoms. So, it may sound like I just can't wait to get Gracyn out of my hair, but in reality, I'm relieved for her...she gets to be a kid...with a community of other kids! It is a blessing and we are thankful.
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Happy Thai Mother's Day!
Today is the Queen of Thailand's birthday and thus it is also Mother's day in Thailand. As the citizens of Thailand wore yellow in honor of the King, they are wearing baby blue in honor of the Queen. Blue must be the designated color for the day in which she was born. Happy birthday Queen Sirikit and Happy Mother's day to all Thai mothers.
Today is the Queen of Thailand's birthday and thus it is also Mother's day in Thailand. As the citizens of Thailand wore yellow in honor of the King, they are wearing baby blue in honor of the Queen. Blue must be the designated color for the day in which she was born. Happy birthday Queen Sirikit and Happy Mother's day to all Thai mothers.
Open House

Yesterday was Open House at International Community School. Gracyn and I were able to go tour the school and meet her new teacher. Gracyn's teacher is Mrs. Ann. Mrs. Ann is a Canadian and has been in Thailand one year. Last year she taught at Pan Asia International school, but felt led to teach at a Christian School this year. Mrs. Ann had centers set up in the classroom for the kids to explore while the teacher explained the schedule and classroom procedures. I was highly impressed by the things Mrs. Ann shared and her obvious commitment to education and utilizing the hours given towards learning. She is protective of the hours allotted in each day and is committed to them being used to teach. I like that very much. Gracyn was happily exploring the centers and having a good time. There isn't a shy bone in her body. As a child, I would have been clinging to my mother for dear life! She joined right in as if she had been there all her life. She even wanted to raise her hand to tattle tale on another kid who was "being naughty". I had to explain that her timing was off and we probably need to have a chat before school starts about tattling. We probably just need to sit down and have an in depth conversation about being in school and all that entails socially. She's enthusiastic to say the least. She keeps asking when she can go to school for real. After the open house we stopped by the mall to buy school shoes and socks. Now we are ready! She has all her supplies and uniforms.
I was also filled with nostalgia with that school visit. It is poignant for me to have my daughter now starting her educational career at the school which gave me my first class of students. Those 2 years at ICS were years filled with blessing for me both career wise and personally. There are days when I truly miss being there. I'm so glad that Gracyn can experience that kind of community. As we enjoyed Open House, I was struck once again by what a rich life we have living in Thailand. There is richness in just being around Thai people, yet there are so many other nationalities to enjoy as well. We sacrifice a lot to be here in terms of familiy and some comforts, however, we gain so much in experience that is an education in itself. I love what the kids gain from learning to get along with different people. I love it for myself as well. I've signed up to be the "homeroom mom". I don't know how many others may also want to do it and if I'll actually be a homeroom mom, but I look forward to being able to encourage and support Gracyn and the school in this coming year. I'm just as excited as she. Stayed tuned for "First Day" pictures coming up on Wednesday!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Fun with limes

This is a new game that the kids are playing. It really isn't so much a game, but it keeps the kids occupied and laughing. Basically, they have taken up licking limes and making faces because of the tartness. They stick out their tongues and make a little sound before swiping the open side of a lime across their tongues. Next comes the shuddering, the puckered faces and squeals of laughter.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Cunninghams in Hua Hin
We started our vacation by leaving at 8 A.M. full of anticipation and hope for the things to come. We arrived in Hua Hin with black clouds hovering over us. After checking in to the hotel we went to one of the outdoor cafes by the pool and the skies opened up. There we sat, having our first "vacation meal" in the pouring rain. We were, of course, under an umbrella-ed table, but we were not dry! We were determined, however, not to let the rain spoil our vacation. We were going to that pool and the only thing that would stop us would be bolts of lightening. It never came to that. After, a few hours, the rain stopped and we were able to start the process of relaxing. Yes, relaxing is a process and it usually takes a day or two of vacationing to really start to relax. There we were, starting to let go of the high paced and difficult year we had just been through. We parked ourselves near a very cool beach-pool for the kids. This hotel had designed a kids pool with sand! They created a little beach that gradually descended into the pool. The kids could dig in the sand and build castles. When they were ready for a dip in the pool, there was no need to rinse off. In they went! It was perfect for the little ones. The hotel also had a winding pool that sort of ran the length of the hotel grounds. It was like a river flowing through pretty trees. There were bridges to swim under and little water falls to enjoy. It was a great pool. It even had a pretty impressive water slide. The slide had two nice bumps on it to create that airborne feeling. It was quite the attraction for most kids. I say most because after one innocent trip down the slide, Gracyn decided that once was one time too many. She expected it to be like a regular slide and didn't realize how fast it would go. Jack and I enjoyed a turn or two down the slide. Older kids spent hours going down the slide. Gracyn met many new friends on this trip as she always does. Her two best companions were Australian/New Zealander born in Japan but residing in Hong Kong... makes perfect sense to us and Charlotte, a Londoner, for which everything was "totally wicked". We were thankful for the friends. Many hours were spent combing the beach for crabs with these friends.
Of course, no vacation is complete without some "Griswold family" moments. On our second day, Jack threw his back out...again...and has been unable to stand up straight since. So, we only truly got a day and a half as a "whole" family. This made for some challenging times and meant we weren't able to do everything we had hoped. I was upset, as I'm sure Jack was, that we only had 4 days together to relax and unwind and half of that was taken away. We really don't vacation as much as we'd like or are even required to take and we weren't able to have even these full 4 days. Last night after dinner, Jack could not take being out any longer, so we headed back to our hotel at 6:15 P.M. I started to feel depressed that it was just 6:15 and we were having to call it a night! Jack was hunched over like an 80 year old man and we were turning in at 6:15! Were we 80? After getting the kids settled and in bed, I decided that I needed to make a little lemonade with the basket of lemons sitting before me. I asked Jack if he minded me leaving. He didn't. I grabbed my frivilous book that I was reading (not one to teach me anything) and went to the hotel lobby. I sat by candle light and the sounds of the fountains going. I ordered a Pink Banana smoothie and sat at a beautiful table and read in peace. It sort of made up for the 6:15 bit. Even with these challenges, I'm thankful for the time we did get away. I cannot express how much we needed to do that. We could have used a whole week away, but the 4 days...even with half a disappointment...was a start in helping us to play again as a family. We were able to enjoy our kids and laugh at their child-like mannerisms. Gracyn was sad tonight to be home. She wants to live at the beach where she can be carefree and hunt for crabs.
Now we are on the the next phase of helping Jack to get his back pain taken care of before the next group of interns arrive. Prayerfully this won't be surgery worthy at this time. We know his future will require it and the flare ups are becoming more frequent. If having surgery will put us on two feet for awhile then that is what we will do. Pray for wisdom and good doctors to give Jack some real solutions. He has a degenerating L5 vertebrae and may need to have some vertebrae fused together.
Of course, no vacation is complete without some "Griswold family" moments. On our second day, Jack threw his back out...again...and has been unable to stand up straight since. So, we only truly got a day and a half as a "whole" family. This made for some challenging times and meant we weren't able to do everything we had hoped. I was upset, as I'm sure Jack was, that we only had 4 days together to relax and unwind and half of that was taken away. We really don't vacation as much as we'd like or are even required to take and we weren't able to have even these full 4 days. Last night after dinner, Jack could not take being out any longer, so we headed back to our hotel at 6:15 P.M. I started to feel depressed that it was just 6:15 and we were having to call it a night! Jack was hunched over like an 80 year old man and we were turning in at 6:15! Were we 80? After getting the kids settled and in bed, I decided that I needed to make a little lemonade with the basket of lemons sitting before me. I asked Jack if he minded me leaving. He didn't. I grabbed my frivilous book that I was reading (not one to teach me anything) and went to the hotel lobby. I sat by candle light and the sounds of the fountains going. I ordered a Pink Banana smoothie and sat at a beautiful table and read in peace. It sort of made up for the 6:15 bit. Even with these challenges, I'm thankful for the time we did get away. I cannot express how much we needed to do that. We could have used a whole week away, but the 4 days...even with half a disappointment...was a start in helping us to play again as a family. We were able to enjoy our kids and laugh at their child-like mannerisms. Gracyn was sad tonight to be home. She wants to live at the beach where she can be carefree and hunt for crabs.
Now we are on the the next phase of helping Jack to get his back pain taken care of before the next group of interns arrive. Prayerfully this won't be surgery worthy at this time. We know his future will require it and the flare ups are becoming more frequent. If having surgery will put us on two feet for awhile then that is what we will do. Pray for wisdom and good doctors to give Jack some real solutions. He has a degenerating L5 vertebrae and may need to have some vertebrae fused together.
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