Yesterday was Open House at International Community School. Gracyn and I were able to go tour the school and meet her new teacher. Gracyn's teacher is Mrs. Ann. Mrs. Ann is a Canadian and has been in Thailand one year. Last year she taught at Pan Asia International school, but felt led to teach at a Christian School this year. Mrs. Ann had centers set up in the classroom for the kids to explore while the teacher explained the schedule and classroom procedures. I was highly impressed by the things Mrs. Ann shared and her obvious commitment to education and utilizing the hours given towards learning. She is protective of the hours allotted in each day and is committed to them being used to teach. I like that very much. Gracyn was happily exploring the centers and having a good time. There isn't a shy bone in her body. As a child, I would have been clinging to my mother for dear life! She joined right in as if she had been there all her life. She even wanted to raise her hand to tattle tale on another kid who was "being naughty". I had to explain that her timing was off and we probably need to have a chat before school starts about tattling. We probably just need to sit down and have an in depth conversation about being in school and all that entails socially. She's enthusiastic to say the least. She keeps asking when she can go to school for real. After the open house we stopped by the mall to buy school shoes and socks. Now we are ready! She has all her supplies and uniforms.
I was also filled with nostalgia with that school visit. It is poignant for me to have my daughter now starting her educational career at the school which gave me my first class of students. Those 2 years at ICS were years filled with blessing for me both career wise and personally. There are days when I truly miss being there. I'm so glad that Gracyn can experience that kind of community. As we enjoyed Open House, I was struck once again by what a rich life we have living in Thailand. There is richness in just being around Thai people, yet there are so many other nationalities to enjoy as well. We sacrifice a lot to be here in terms of familiy and some comforts, however, we gain so much in experience that is an education in itself. I love what the kids gain from learning to get along with different people. I love it for myself as well. I've signed up to be the "homeroom mom". I don't know how many others may also want to do it and if I'll actually be a homeroom mom, but I look forward to being able to encourage and support Gracyn and the school in this coming year. I'm just as excited as she. Stayed tuned for "First Day" pictures coming up on Wednesday!
1 comment:
I know that you are excited, so are we, especially waiting for the picutres of the first day!! I think that you will really enjoy being the homeroom mom. Also, Aidan will really enjoy the one on one with you while G is in school!!
Love you all,
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