Amazing....I can hear myself think! The house is strangely quiet. There is peace and tranquility. I knew my child was loud, but I didn't realize how much she talks until just now. Usually, there is a constant buzz in my ear, but there is silence. Aidan is playing quietly and has no need to scream or yell himself because he doesn't have to jockey for play things. Wow!
Gracyn got up this morning at 5:30 and bounded into our room stating that she wasn't "tired a bit". She was ready to get a start on her big day. Thankfully we were already up and getting ready ourselves. Gracyn dressed in her uniform and we fixed her hair. She was all aglow at her new school self. She sat down to breakfast and ate, while I packed her lunch. After we were all ready, albeit blearry eyed, we took a few pictures and loaded up into our car.
We finally arrived to see the hustle and bustle of the first day of school. We walked to the elementary cafeteria and found Mrs. Ann's table. Mrs. Ann was ready to receive Gracyn and handed her a name tag. We took a few more pictures, yet we could see that Gracyn was really more interested in looking around at all the goings on. Posing for Mom and Dad was not as interesting. We got a few shots though. Jack was ready with the camcorder to capture her firsts.
Gracyn had a few moments of looking unsure of herself and a bit nervous, but she really handled it all like a champ and was eager and excited. Another kid in the other K-5 class was crying and practically puking...poor thing. At 7:15, Mrs. Ann had her table of children stand up to face the Thai flag. A bell rang and the national anthem came across the P.A. system. The children all stood at attention very quietly...except for one boy in Gracyn's class whom belted the tune out very convincingly. After the anthem, Mrs. Elsie, the elementary priciple, prayed for the first day. The kids then followed their teachers up to the classrooms like little ducklings, entered the classrooms, with a last wave to Mom and Dad, and began the day.
Here's what's on her docket for today:
- Morning circle and Bible
- Art class
- Language Arts
- Snack and recess
- Thai class
- Lunch
- Nap
- Activity centers
- Social studies
All sounds great! You could tell that G was really excited and not very nervous at all! She looks adorable in her uniform and I can hear her when she gets home telling you all about what went on all day long. Aidan will miss her but that is a good thing, he will really be glad when she comes home in the afternoon. He is such a cutie pie also. Really all boy is mannerisms too!!
Keep us all up to date!!
love you Mimi
Gracyn looks adorable in her school uniform! I am so glad to hear her first day went well despite the talking! She will learn. See you later-
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