After dinner tonight, my phone rang and my friend Bun was on the line. She asked if she could come over to "show off" something. She asked if she could bring some friends of hers as well, one of whom is a Thai musical instrument teacher. Of course I said "yes". They showed up and brought with them a keem. I'm not sure if I'm spelling it phonetically correct, but a keem is an instrument that lays on the ground and is strung like a guitar. To play it you must use two thin reeds with rectangular heads to strike the chords. The music that it makes is a very traditional tinkling "Thai" sound. The music teacher, Khun Ray, gave us a little concert. Then she graciously let us all take turns playing the instrument. The kids had a blast banging on it and Khun Ray was very gracious to let that happen. I actually got a small lesson. Bun is going to hire Khun Ray to teach lessons to herself and her daughter Nina. Bun wants me to take lessons as well. I thought that sounded fun and agreed to do that with her. We plan to try to meet at Bun's house on Sunday evenings to take these Thai music lessons together. It's a great way to consistently spend time with my friend Bun and to learn an ethnic Thai instrument. I look forward to doing that with her. This was such a fun way to end our evening.
you will have to tape a session of your learning to play!! It looks like it is difficult to get the right notes. What fun though. Bun is a very thoughtful friend to you isn't she! Tell her I said hi and that I hope she is doing well!
Love Mimi
I will. Bun said this was the instrument you liked when she took you to the airport?
Well, she wanted to put some music on the radio and she asked if I liked what she had on, so of course I said that I did, which I do, when I am in Thailand!! I had no idea that it was played on that instrument though. That is the traditional Thai music isn't it?
Love Mimi
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