Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 26, 2006

What we are reading...

Gracyn is currently being read Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Aidan is being read The Little Fire Engine and The Little Train both by Lois Lenski (1940) over and over and over again! It reminds me of Gracyn's Goodnight Moon phase. Aidan likes the one about the firemen most of all because of the better sound effects.

What's coming up? Teddy Robinson Stories by Joan G. Robinson. These stories were written by a mother, for her daughter Deborah, about her teddy bear named Teddy Robinson. These stories came from the 1950's and 1960's and are about the adventures of a little girl's teddy bear. The adventures are ones that "could happen to anybody's teddy bear" through child's play. Teddy Robinson still resides with his "little girl" in London.


cunninghamjc said...

The only thing Hannah and Olivia have enjoyed more than reading the Little House books is watching the shows. We bought the first 3 seasons on DVD and the girls love them. The new template looks good. Take Care,

The Cunningham's at CMPC

Kim said...

We are also borrowing the Little House series from a team mate. I'm enjoying watching the shows I grew up with as well!

Anonymous said...

keep posting the books, etc. that you read. It is a great sharing of resource with others
